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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I’m no cryptography expert but I don’t see how they could implement this with true anonymity or without it being spoofed in other browsers. There is currently no way to know with absolute certainty what browser/client web traffic is actually coming from and game anti-cheat devs will probably tell you it’s a nightmare of a problem.

    The way I see this working is making it a Mozilla account thing and not a Firefox thing through some sort of stateless cross-origin cookie the sites agree to support. But then, you’re giving up at least some privacy because even if the sites you visit don’t know who you are, you’ll still have to trust that Mozilla is logging anonymized visit counts and that some CEO 5 years from now isn’t going to change that for a quick buck.

    Maybe I’m just out of my depth here and someone’s gonna correct me (please do if I’m wrong).

  • I’ve had to debug a PDF viewer on a site once. Getting that to work across multiple versions of multiple browsers was a nightmare and I never managed to figure it out. Latest versions are mostly fine (except for mobile safari), but even 1yo versions of browsers are just broken.

    Maybe I’m missing something, but it got bad enough that one of the “potential solutions” I was considering involved figuring out how to compile a C based pdf renderer thingy into WASM and embedding it in the app.

    This was about 7 months ago.

    I agree though, add to cart should NOT behave differently across browsers in 2024.

  • On I 100% agree with you here. But here’s my (and I think a lot of people’s) logic:

    It’s slightly different in the case of YouTube. The shop isn’t putting Karen (and everyone else) under a microscope the second she walks into the store, and using that data to tailor what she sees in their other branches so she’s more likely to buy. They’re not creating what’s effectively a gigantic influence market out of the data, and I don’t think you are doing that to your clients either (although to be honest, I’d be pretty impressed if you were).

    YouTube is free because “we are the product”. They’re harvesting our data whether we block ads, skip ads, watch ads, or pay for premium (as far as I know, please correct me if I’m wrong). It may not be profitable on its own but it sure as hell is bringing value to Google’s other services. All the while, it’s actively getting worse for end users (more and more ads, no more dislikes, not respecting video quality choices as well as it used to, hiding quality settings behind obtuse menus on mobile, no home page without watch history…)

    Ultimately, “line no go up big like last year grug mad” is what matters to Google’s shareholders and what ultimately drives their decisions. I firmly believe that we’d still be having this conversation if YouTube somehow making a profit with ad blockers on, so fuck em.