but I really don’t understand the hate for devices that don’t have one.
I like to have the choice. And I choose not having to buy another device.
in a world where Bluetooth reigns supreme.
We must think of different aspects then.
- Reliability - battery charge, potential signal loss (note that I have no experience with wireless headphones, so the second point could be wrong.)
- Longevity - batteries that degrade vs a cable that’s fine if you don’t abuse it
- Ease of use - Plug it into what I want vs pairing process, possible problems with switching, devices sometimes malfunction (meaning software-wise)
- (Audio quality - I can plug them into any DAC I want vs being limited to the built in one - I will not pretend to be able to hear the difference between 16bit/48kHz and something higher. But I still could use an audio interface that can do it.)
You could argue that people can be identified by their writing style. I have no idea how far you’d get with that though.