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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • “Democrats should bail them out again”

    Nope. Remember the orange rapist they cheered into a gruesome idiotic coup attempt? Yeah and Dems should help them?

    NO. WE’RE CLOSED. Red state idiot bastards. Don’t want to get the shit shocked out of you, quit sticking a knife in the socket. No? BZZZT. This is not that difficult.

    They’re destroying institutions and defying science. That is their only purpose. They have no other common goals. We should not help them at all.

  • It’s real enough.

    During the Russia-friendly presidency of Donald Trump, Carlson emerged as a favourite voice on Kremlin-run television, which regularly rebroadcast his comments dismissing allegations that Moscow had intervened in the US presidential election.

    More recently, Carlson has echoed some Kremlin talking points on president Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, which he has described as “a regime-change war” led by the US against Russia.

    He has also given credence to evidence-free Russian justifications for the invasion, such as claims that the US set up biological weapons research labs in Ukraine. Carlson has also accused the White House of involvement in blowing up the Nord Stream gas pipeline last year.

    Those statements have found a welcome audience on Russian television, which has enthusiastically replayed them on its news programmes and the bellicose political talk shows that fill the country’s airwaves.

  • It’s an interesting twist. Sherlock seems designed to use legal data collection and digital advertising technologies — beloved by Big Tech and online media — to target people for government-level espionage. Other spyware, such as NSO Group’s Pegasus or Cytrox’s Predator and Alien, tends to be more precisely targeted.

    So . . . It’s just “digital customer engagement” and all the other euphemisms for online stalking, it’s just that the intent is pre-stated to be nefarious. Hm.

  • This is getting posted a lot which is too bad because it’s worse than useless.

    Do people not understand how technically useless 80% of users are? They CAN NOT REMEMBER THEIR PASSWORDS. (No, they didn’t write them down. Password management software? lol.)

    I’m saying the height of their technical ability is to remember their password. And we want them to switch platforms, away from a fascist right-wing brainwashing troll factory to- what is it called again?

    Yeah. It needs a guide with this title, but actually useful. Well-written, with the context that people reading it are already well above and beyond in making an effort.

    Why are so many people still on Xitter? I have a fucking idea.