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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Wow, it’s been so long that I had forgotten about Randy’s stroke. Its a real shame that he can’t really speak or sing anymore. His voice was amazing.

    On one hand, this use of AI is really cool. There are a few moments of the audio equivalent of “uncanny valley,” but overall it’s extremely convincing. And if Randy was really as involved in the process as they make it seem, then it’s a great way to give him a “voice” again.

    But then again, all this makes me so nervous about the future of the music industry. I really don’t want to live in a world where the music charts are full of posthumous singles.

    The Beastles song was a cool use because AI helped clean up an existing performance. Randy Travis releasing a new single using AI to sing for him is a cool opportunity (and maybe some type of closure…?) for him and his family. But I can see the flood gates starting to open…

  • I disagree. I think labor is a good thing, and I use that term to encapsulate any sort of occupation. A person who doesn’t have some sort of fulfilling labor is missing a big part of life. There’s so much pride and fulfilling that can come from working hard.

    The problem is that, currently, laborers are not fairly compensated for their work, and it’s increasingly difficult for someone to just live without working beyond their limits. And so labor is no longer a small part of a fulfilling life but a perpetual cage for an exploitated husk of a person.

    In my opinion, freedom is equity and justice, not a life of pure leisure…