Hello friends
I have a friend who makes space cake edibles
We use 20grams of weed in the butter which will make 20 slices of cake… Essentially each slice contains and average of 1gram of weed.
The weed contains on average 12%THC
How many mg (milligrams) of THC is in each slice on average?
I believe it is 120mg THC per slice.
Can anyone confirm please?
More or less, 120mg per slice is correct, as long as they’re even slices.
120mg and I would be in a coma lol.
I take 5mg edibles for a light high and 10mg if I’m tryna get messed up. I hope my tolerances never gets so high that it takes 120mg to get me stoned lol.
Yeah the addict/high tolerance gene sucks trust me
I believe it is more tolerance than genetics.
I was gonna point that out, but, I don’t know. I think they’re aware already. Just hope the dose is clarified.
Something tells me these people knew the dosage was going to help high but weren’t certain just how high.
That or their party is gonna get really interesting about an hour after everyone has some cake lol.
So I’ve wondered about this - back in the dark ages (say late 90s to like, idk, 2017 for our purposes here), your average person had no idea how much THC by % their cannabis was. If you were going off Alice B. Toklas [note] era recipies someone got from an old book or got transcribed on the internet, which were from a time when weed was waaaay weaker, you were using ounces of pretty powerful stuff to make some brownies (though noted many used trim for edibles due to cost). For those who used smokin’ buds, which was still a lot of people since most folks don’t know growers to get trim, people got high, sure, but the whole “I was blasted into space” thing was usually reserved for those who had like, 3 brownies.
What was up with that, when there’s a significant amount of folks who get blasted off of 10 mg in legal markets?
Aside: I ate some cookies one evening a few months back, equating to about ~650 mg THC. I do NOT recommend this, though the next day would have been very chill had I not been called to help with some family member’s home reno activities unexpectedly.
edit: It’s apparently Alice B. Toklas, whose cookbook was published in the mid-1950s. But I could have sworn there was an Alice B. Tokeless book from the 60s-70s, which was a pseudonym that was both homage and a play on words, that circulated pretty far and which a lot of weed edible recipies on the early web came from. I can find no sign of that now - did I dream this?
I use a lot of cannabis. 30mg is where I’m having a pretty decent time. 120mg would make me feel very sick
I use like 3mg and I’m stone, it’s very sad, but also very cheap
Low tolerance is where it’s at. You get high for a few bucks. Meanwhile my old roommate needed to take like 200mg to get high. Idk how she functions tbh.
Lol what? Are u a toddler?
No… I’m a large adult man who is lucky to have a low tolerance. I can get stoned on a very small amount while the rest of y’all need to apparently bath in THC oil to feel anything anymore.
I spend 100 bucks on edibles every few months. My little brother spends like 500 a month on pot cause his tolerances are cooked.
In NJ recreational sales you cannot buy anything over 100mg total in edibles. The overwhelming majority of users aren’t taking 100+mg edibles here and I suspect that’s true for most adults.
For the record Im dead average for height and weight for a US adult man.
I’m a big guy (6’2", 250lbs) and edibles in my state (OR) are legally portioned into 10mg servings as the recommended dose, and that usually gets me pretty high for the rest of the night.
Cutting the gummy into a 5mg half gets me a little high, and a 2.5mg quarter puts me into sober feelgood mode.
Maybe it’s because I’ve only been taking weed for a few years.
Awesome! Thanks for confirming.
So complete transparency here. I design the labels for a Coffeeshop in Amsterdam. This is the spacecake the owner has made. The cannabutter is made at home, then the butter is transferred to the baker who makes, portions and wraps the cakes. We get great reviews on Google for the strength and we’re very well known for this spacecake.
Oh! That makes perfect sense, then.