Reversals on blanket speed limit reductions will begin on Wednesday night, starting with State Highway 2 in the Wairarapa, and will be complete by 1 July.

The National and Act coalition agreement committed to reversing the reductions implemented under the previous Labour government.

In total 38 sections of the state highway network will be reversed back to their previous higher speed limits by NZTA over the next five months.

The state highway speed limit changes will take effect across the country in Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Gisborne, Hawke’s Bay, Manawatu-Whanganui, Greater Wellington, Canterbury, and the top of the South Island.

    1 month ago

    No, because even per capita we’re still worse off than 2011-2016. No matter how you look at it, things have gotten worse since then

    I understand it’s supposed to be a multi faceted approach, it’s been explained to me to exhaustion, but there’s only one facet being polished for the most part.

    No matter how you look at the data, what we’re currently doing isn’t working.

    • Dave@lemmy.nzOPM
      1 month ago

      A drive up to New Plymouth shows significant road safety improvements and very few speed limit changes. I am a bit sad they took out two passing lanes between New Plymouth and Inglewood though (there used to be 6 on that 10 min stretch of road, it was brilliant).