So, do you think it might be related to how the US isnuniquely the only industrialized nation with no universal health care, minimal (if any) social safety nets, a shit economy that only benefits the upper 1%, and the very obvious fascist heading our country is on?
So, do you think it might be related to how the US isnuniquely the only industrialized nation with no universal health care, minimal (if any) social safety nets, a shit economy that only benefits the upper 1%, and the very obvious fascist heading our country is on?
Yes. “Cure all” pills are much cheaper than analysis. No wonder insurance pushes them.
Partially. This certainly increases stress and allows it to be (falsely?) used as a cause.
No. The rest of the world has worse economies but less antidepressants
Not the 1% in particular, but lower social class has higher usage of antidepressants.
Antidepressant overprescription has been building for more than a decade. It’s not just Trumps fault.