Democratic Representative Jared Golden of Maine voted alongside Republicans for the continuing resolution (CR) bill floated by GOP lawmakers and backed by President Donald Trump.
The number one priority from here until next midterms should be forcing Democrats like this or the 10 who censured Al Green. Primary them all with progressive populists.
Primary almost all these fuckers. Fuck em.
If they stayed for the entire address they should be primaried. One of your own gets kicked out of the session and you sit there like you don’t even know him?
Imagine if after Greene gets kicked out, and HitlerPig starts yammering again, and ANOTHER Dem gets up and starts protesting, and gets kicked out. When HitlerPgs starts up again, ANOTHER Dem starts protesting. They should have kept going until there wasnt a Dem left in the chamber.
The next day, nobody would be talking about what HitlerPig was talking about, everyone woumd be talking about the big Democratic revolt. It would be historical, and historians would talk about it for decades. It would have been an enormous historical embarrassment for HitlerPig.
If each Democrat, in turn, pulled a Greene then Trump would’ve been there until midnight. Greene was the only one that got Trump to shut up!
Hopefully he gets primaried.
Don’t just hope, help the local progressive group to make it happen.
The population of Rason tend to find it difficult to vote in American elections.
Good advice for many people in America though, yes.
What a scumbag.
Wonder if this has anything to do with Maine being targeted by federal agencies for no fucking reason.
If it walks like a republican…
Chokes on cock like a Republican
Hey, don’t you dare discourage people from choking on cocks, at least be more specific like “orange cock.”
You can choke on cock all you like, as long as you don’t do it on a Republican manor. I.E. metaphorically
Good thing we voted blue no matter who
So, one guy out of two hundred reps and you blame Democrats. But 200 hundred out of 200 hundred aren’t accountable whatsoever?
Bad faith batman right here.
“How dare you try to hold the democrats accountable for anything ever!”
That’s how stupid you sounded just now.
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You’re a joke bud.
That’s not what grumps said. Hold the one guy who voted wrong accountable. Hell, hold them all accountable, but holding Dems accountable happens in the Primary, not in the General.
Besides. You didn’t vote blue no matter who. Enough people stayed home, voted third party, or, heaven forbid, voted for the Shitgibbon, that we ended up with the Shitgibbon. Everything we warned you about has come to pass. Things your little faction claim to care about have been gutted. Hard-won progress over decades of effort all the way back to my hippy mom’s youth have been lost, and more and more are on the chopping block of the absolute shitheads you and yours got elected.
Transgender people are being taken behind the woodshed. Gays are next. Other things we took for granted such as vaccinations, clean air, clean water, billionaires having to at least give lip service to not doing naked bribery and corruption, rule of law, stability in international interactions (trade war with fucking CANADA of all places?!), and such fundamental things like democracy and free speech are on the chopping block. And all you are here to do is punish Democrats. The Trumpster Fire thanks you for your contribution and rewards you with a tiny step back in the line. Don’t worry, though. You’ll be on the chopping block soon enough. The Insurrection Act is going to come for us all, thanks to the actual stupid idea you just pushed here.
When you hold people accountable in the General instead of the Primary, you enable the Fascist takeover of the US. The only question at this point is whether this action was taken from stupidity or complicity.
Liberals say the same shit in all the primaries. We try to primary these candidates out and you guys do the exact same shit man.
He’s a democrat and democrats should hold him accountable.
You don’t want to. He voted with you.
Hey. We just gotta vote harder ok. It’s definitely not just a planned opposition party that will never let there be a majority of actual progressives in their party.
Hey. We just gotta vote harder ok.
Dems and their sycophants for the last 40+ years whenever the Left call for progress or at least active resistance against backsliding:
Are you suggesting a GOP candidate would have done differently?