At some point, the Maria account also posted the exact same videos as the Maria Dopari account but with a different face. It appears that for three videos posted between March 6 and 8, the Maria account accidentally used a face from one of its other fake personas, called Lana, which posts under several usernames under some variation of lana.down, the biggest of which has of 43,800 followers. The Maria account then continued posting with the face it used regularly. In some cases 404 Media was able to identify the original videos that were being stolen by these accounts.


    3 days ago

    Can’t read the whole article, but it sounds like copyright violations. Exchanging the face is really not enough

    As to depicting people with Down-Syndrome: Nothing illegal about that. We can only hope that Trump outlaws forced diversity soon. Seriously, someone who’s outraged that marginalized groups are depicted in the same way as other groups, probably isn’t particularly supportive of that group.

    For what it’s worth, while most people with Down-Syndrome can’t function in society without assistance, some have even graduated from college. There’d probably be more college graduates if it wasn’t for the stereotypes.