Forget the grunts and moans. When a mudcrab attacks my character, I want to hear “god fucking dammit” and “fucking shitbiscuit” from my character. That’s how people actually sound when they get hurt.
Forget the grunts and moans. When a mudcrab attacks my character, I want to hear “god fucking dammit” and “fucking shitbiscuit” from my character. That’s how people actually sound when they get hurt.
I feel it’s very dependent on the person wether someone swears, shouts or grunts when getting hurt.
That’s what I was gonna say lol like I don’t think OP can speak for every single person, there are definitely people out there who don’t swear when they get hurt lol
Exactly this. I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say anything like goddamn shitbiscuit, and only heard things like god fucking dammit when they’ve had time to stop and think about it.
It’s much more likely for someone here to grunt or suck through their teeth, or maybe something short like shit.