Like many people I’m here because of reddit going to shit. Twitter has increasingly been shit. gycat is shutting down in September. To me it seems like lots of bastions of social media are crumpling, but as a previous active reddit user, I’ve been personally effected. Is this just a frequency illusion or has something changed in the world that has changed the business case of these sites?

    1 year ago

    They just happen to be reaching a breaking point to you, because of how tendencies work, most people reach a breaking point at roughly the same time.

    Analogous to this, think of how when you’re in a shitty relationship, you don’t break up for one red flag or another, eventually you reach a breaking point and decide to not deal with the bs anymore, but when you look back you realize you were in a sea of red flags and should’ve ended it a long time ago… Either that or you never reach your breaking point and just sink lower and lower and become more miserable. That’s about how it goes with most things in the consumer world. It’s a good thing that we reach these breaking points, otherwise things never improve.