31% chance. Resolves YES if one of these criteria is met by any one of the Similarweb top 50 news sites (archived here - https://archive.is/2023.07.04-054251/https://www.similarweb.com/top-websites/news-and-media/ )
Include a Share link to a Fediverse platform as part of their “Share to social media” link set.
Set up a Fediverse instance on their own domain, which their journalists can use to broadcast to the Fediverse.
Actively maintain a brand Fediverse presence on a domain not their own. Note that this must be an official, brand-owned presence, individual journalists posting in an unofficial / freelance capacity would not count. Must be in operation for at least two months to resolve YES.
Offer an “interact with us on X” feature where X is a Fediverse instance.
If you can make another argument that an org has meaningfully engaged with the Fediverse then I will consider them.
The only things I’d rule out so far are:
articles written about the Fediverse, this alone is not enough engagement to warrant a YES resolution.
Internal-only / unfederated instances of Fediverse platforms.
For the purposes of this question, email is not part of the Fediverse.
For reference I would consider any of the platforms in the below graphic to be part of the Fediverse, other platforms may be considered if there’s a strong argument that they should be included.
A prediction market on whether or not a major news publisher will commit to the Fediverse before July 2024.
A share link to e.g. a Mastodon instant post that was already created? Some future “share from my Mastodon instance” tor functionality that doesn’t currently exist? That’s just speculation though, I was trying to cover my bases and I’m really not sure on how something like that could work on a technical level.
Edit: TBH I expect those site-specific Share links to die off over time, as Facebook becomes more cringe it’ll look more dated to have their logo on every article on a news site.
deleted by creator
Yeah, site specific share links suck. The
is what everyone should support and use.