Come January, the GOP will control every elected statewide office in Louisiana after Republicans swept three runoff races for attorney general, secretary of state and treasurer Saturday night.

The GOP success, in a state that has had a Democrat in the governor’s office for the past eight years, means that Republicans secured all of Louisiana’s statewide offices for the first time since 2015. In addition, the GOP holds a two-third supermajority in the House and Senate.

Liz Murrill was elected as attorney general, Nancy Landry as secretary of state and John Fleming as treasurer. The results also mean Louisiana will have its first female attorney general and first woman elected as secretary of state.

Saturday’s election completes the shaping of Louisiana’s executive branch, where most incumbents didn’t seek reelection and opened the door for new leadership in some of the most powerful positions.

    11 months ago

    You’re absolutely right about not just MAGA Republicans, but just about all Republicans. But at the end of the day, what do the Democrats actually do besides “stop Republicans”? Forgive student loan? Bring peace to the Middle East? Fix healthcare?

    “Stop Republicans” is pretty important, but they can’t even do that. So yes, Democrats/neoliberals don’t build shit.

      11 months ago

      Well Democrats are not a neoliberal bloc, but an alliance of beliefs across the spectrum, so it’s a bad choice to paint them all with one brush. I’d personally love if the Dems were all neolibs, but they do nothing in lockstep.

      To try and suggest that Democrats do not have policy goals they pursue is a pretty big stretch. Biden’s admin had several significant policy victories, and yes, they include student loan reform.

      The BBB initiative and specifically the Inflation Reduction Act is the single largest green initiative in the nation’s history, with significant manufacturing subsidies, so implying they “aren’t building” makes no sense.

        11 months ago

        Oh man, you lost me at “I’d personally love if the Dems were all neolibs”. Neoliberals are as much the answer to America’s problems as “classical conservatives” are.

        The whole point is that the Democrats have had a public mandate and majority control of the executive and legislative branches multiple times under multiple Democratic presidents in the past century. But what have they actually accomplished besides marginal improvements at best? They can’t even just stop or reverse Republican damage. The bar is higher than just that. They’re absolutely pathetic and can’t do jack fucking shit.

          11 months ago

          They’re absolutely pathetic and can’t do jack fucking shit.

          I believe your knowledge of how politics actually functions is roughly equatable to your knowledge of economics.

            11 months ago

            Homie. I got a brother just like you. Same incrementalism, progress is slow bullshit. 2 decades ago he would’ve said weed would forever be illegal.

            The 2 main problems with Democrats. And these are the reason you lose elections, btw.

            You think youve got all the answers but never listen to anyone describing life out in the everyday. You don’t take criticism. You don’t even listen. It’s why the haute taute epithet is thrown at y’all. Your head is in the clouds. You dictate, you don’t conversate.

            You can point to all the beaurocracy you want and scream LOOK WHAT WEVE BUILT. But no one asked for that. No one wants that. Dems pass policy that throws everything at corporations and scraps at the peasants. But yo, corporations are the fucking problem, and all sides of the working class agree on that. If that’s news to you, you need to listen more and talk less. Bernie got a standing ovation at a Fox News Town Hall. How the fuck do you explain that? That’s respect. He got RESPECT from Republican rank and file.

            Dems don’t create leaders or change. Liberals are socially conciliatory and even at that y’all fail to come across as sincere. Whatever shuts people up and then back to making money. Rename the street BLM but don’t change anything REAL. The great Neo-liberal shell game.

            Y’all move the needle 2 steps left after people been dying over shit for years just to point at something and act like you moved Gibralter. Then Republicans sweep you, take it back 10 steps and we repeat the process every 8 years while you pat yrself on the back. You’re worse than ineffective, you’re a distraction from the assholes bleeding our country dry trying to sell us microtransactions in lieu of justice and comradery.

            You have no vision. Your colleges teach poli sci under the assumption we have all this shit figured out. It’s solved, don’t think for yourselves. It’s that hubris, that blatant disrespect that’s so disgusting. That’s social darwinism for the record and if it’s unclear, that’s one step away from eugenics and only 2 steps away from miasma theory.

            Neoliberalism will be remembered that way. Just once removed from Hitler. Future generations will look back at the obfuscation and attempts to come up with any excuse to justify a deliberate system set up to create misery and isolation in people.

            House the fucking homeless already. People are more important than profits or property value. Everyday it’s not done is another day people are dying.

            There’s no fucking excuse. GET IT DONE or GTFO. Admit that capitalism is incapable of solving these issues bro. Cause the cruelty is the point of capitalism.

            But your false promises.arent working as well anymore. The left and the youth would rather see it burn down then this dystopia of the same fucking never ending problems with lying feckless leaders

            Yea, look in the mirror man. If you can’t see the ugliness of your party, even after hearing it over and over as I know you have, how the fuck you gonna change it?

            Or is it gonna be steps forward, 10 steps back, all the way into fascism and then y’all gonna act like you tried to stop it, when you couldn’t even take reports from those on the ground

            Pfff. What you’re selling has no appeal. Come up with a better offer. People, who you could sway, will vote against you just to say fuck you. You learned that in 2016 right? Or did you not take any criticism YET AGAIN.

            I can’t talk to democrats. It’s a one-sided conversation. You guys to those critical or capitalism are the same bad faith you lobby at the fascists.

            Yep. Lumping you next to the facists. That’s about right.

              10 months ago

              The 2 main problems with Democrats. And these are the reason you lose elections, btw.

              Democrats have won every electoral cycle for most of your life (because there’s no way you’re over, like, 25).

              Meanwhile there have been precisely zero leftists elected. Because people do not, in fact, want what you’re selling.

            11 months ago

            Sure thing bro. Living my best life with multiple disabilities and a disabled wife. Loving all the support and welfare programs from Democrats. Go Dark Brandon! Go unregulated capitalism! Her turn! Cause Democracy is now a hereditary system!

            Go fuck yourself neoliberal. I’d say you’re as much of a waste as a tankie or conservative, but at least you just do literally nothing instead of fucking shit up. Would be better if you actually did shit than talk about marginal gross improvements with net losses as if they’re a huge victory.

              11 months ago

              You should consider educating yourself with all the downtime you have from being disabled.

              It’s got to be better for you than just stewing in impotent, limp rage.