If we for instance take, as an example, someone thoroughly explaining something which is clear to 99,9999% of the earths adult population don’t you think the remaining .0001% could come up with some? I get that this community is a place to allow people to ask questions they can’t or won’t ask elsewhere but I certainly feel stupid sometimes when I ask questions while attending courses etc.
So bottom line, how do you ask questions when you feel stupid?
The point is to offer a place free of ridicule and generally expects realistic questions that may be embarrassing to ask.
And yet I love the questions that push the boundaries of what is stupid. Like what would happen if the Juggernaut tried push The Blob down.
I have long believed that the only stupid question is the one that hasn’t been asked.
I feel it’s better to ask the question (and feel stupid for a few minutes) than to remain stupid for the rest of my life. :)
Exactly. There may be a piece of knowledge that a person should already have, but not asking the question just means continuing to be ignorant.
I’ve always liked the saying ‘there’s no such thing as stupid questions, only people too stupid to ask and fix their own ignorance’
Yeah this is true! In my case it became more of a “I’ll Google that for a long time and just not learn it right now” I don’t know the fear of looking stupid was just too much I guess.
I’d agree but add that a question can be stupid if it’s asked in an intentionally obtuse or malicious way
That’s not stupidity though, that’s malice, which is a whole different tub of bananas.
I do agree, and I see the benefits of asking the question. During my education however I would much rather Google things for hours instead of asking professors, which I don’t feel is the smart thing to do as the professor could probably have answered it in mere minutes. I did not take the smart route on that one though…
But your route taught you to research!
Where as I thought this community was a place where no stupid questions were asked. I wildly misunderstood the title lol
No stupid questions!
No, stupid questions!
Yeah should be named the second one