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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • There’s many answers but I genuinely fear they’re too lost in the weeds of abstraction.

    The truth is still simple; Power is useless to the common* (read: average and averagely distributed) person. It doesn’t grow crops, shoe horses, or help your fellow man, inherently.

    The common person has real concerns to worry about, leaving the search of the trappings of power for the uncommon.

    Uncommonly good* (read: beneficial for the doer and the common person) is harder than uncommonly evil* (read: beneficial for the doer but detrimental to the common person); this is simply entropy, and it readily maps to humankind’s so called capacity for thought.

    That it only takes a bit of shared effort to make lasting structures to help others and fight off sociological entropy is an uncommonly good realization:

    The common man has labors to do, the uncommonly good servant a statistical rarity and the uncommonly evil servants and the structures they engender to keep them in support (entropy begets entropy) a hurdle that by the point of realization takes an uncommonly amount of uncommon good to overcome.

    TL;DR: Human nature + time + compounding apathy in those in a position to nudge things when they were easier to nudge = a need for collective awakening to course correct. We’ve gilded the lily on our sociological underpinnings but have yet to truly revolutionize, only iterate.

  • I thought I had a problem with taking a point or two and stretching them across a handful of paragraphs. I no longer think I have a problem and indeed have learned a few things to limber up and aim for greater mental gymnastic heights.

    You’re not just a fly in history’s wall, to hear you retell it, you can read hearts and minds better’n than most deities too. A graph tells a shaky story but your certainty of the intent of every actor involved is inviolate?

    Please don’t write back at me, for the first time in my life, I comprehend the fear of my acquaintanceships and the long rambling.

  • You know the saying surrounding the learning of history and the dangers of the lack thereof?

    It’s not cynical enough.

    It’s always thinking “this time, my knowledge and lack of scruples will supersede the human condition!” with the regressive, self-deluded authoritarian mind.

    The tragedy of the “doomed to repeat it” and “doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes” aphorisms both is always going to be a function of linear time, not the wit of the self-styled Masters of the times.

    Sucks to live on human timescales during these times tho, I think every pen since antiquity agrees.

  • Then it just looks like you’re trying to give a competitive edge to US evil social media.

    This is not just probable but certain; the whole thing is a very long way of saying this. In a world where the US worked for its citizens, this is a national security no-brainer. But we don’t live in a world where the spirit of things is followed when you can enrich yourself skirting the letter. Shit sucks, but this not a secret conspiracy; it’s realpolitik.

    and preventing youth from learning about the situation in Palestine.

    This one is more subjective…and also still probable for the same fucking reasons and good luck sharing the fact that you can act in a so called ‘security’ driven purpose and this is the perfect time to do sneaky shit. As if all of History wasn’t rife with examples with the Patriot Act being the first USA centric coming to mind amongst fuck what, hundreds?

    That is also realpolitik, and all the players know it. Shit sucks.