• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • cronjob to restart the backend lemmy container

    Fair enough, that’d work. I run my database in a different pod to lemmy (I run this all in kubernetes), and I cannot restart that pod without causing an outage for a bunch of other things like my personal website. I ended up just needing to tune my config to have a maximum RAM usage and then configuring k8s to request that much RAM for the DB pod, so it always has the resources it needs.

    pictrs image cache is 250-300gb

    oof :(
    That’s what my custom lemmy patch was, it turned off pictrs caching. That’s now in lemmy as a config flag (currently a boolean but in 0.20 it will be on/off/proxy where the proxy option goes via your pictrs but does not cache). I then went back through mine and did a bunch of SQL to figure out which pictrs images I could safely delete and got my cache down to 3GB.

  • Interesting. I have some New Relic stuff setup with my cluster but most of that is just resource usage stuff. I ran out of RAM a while back so I’ve had to be a bit more restrictive about how many connections Lemmy can have to postgres db.

    There’s no progress meter and so far it has taken 2 days 😱.

    Uh oh. I considered updating to 0.5 as part of my 0.18.3-ish (I was running a custom fork I made with some image caching stuff that has since been merged in to real lemmy) -> 0.19.3 upgrade but I’m glad I didn’t.

    Thanks for the heads up. Are you migrating to postgres for pictrs too, or sticking with sled?

  • I use all three, although primarily run Linux and macOS.

    I think Apple’s hardware offerings have really beaten the competition with their new M-series chips just outperforming everyone else with significantly less energy. You also get the advantage of macOS being a UNIX system, so if you’re familiar with Linux, the same principles apply.

    I switched from running Linux on my Surface Pro 3, then Linux on a Dell XPS 15, to a 14" MacBook Pro with the 10-core M1 Pro. I still use Linux on my desktop and love it, but macOS is very similar to Linux and apple’s portable hardware beats everyone else by about 3 years or more imo. There are definitely some apple universe quirks but I wouldn’t consider anyone else for a laptop for another few generations of competitors attempting to catch up with where apple was in 2021.