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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2023


  • First of all, thanks for being on Lemmy. I get nothing out of it when the lefty hivemind argues against a strawman. At least you give us the real thing. Fuck gh0stcassette.

    Second of all, Trump only campaigned on a populist platform in 2016. He railed against CEOs, various special interests, and other “swamp creatures” under the premise that he was going to fund his own campaign and didn’t need their money. It was honestly kind of refreshing, even if he was ultimately full of shit and failed to deliver. But I haven’t heard Trump’s 2016 rhetoric in a long time. Not regarding the ruling class. Maybe he still says “drain the swamp” now and then, but many of those who opposed Trump in 2016, e.g. Wall Street, now largely support him, and Trump openly panders to them for their donations. It’s not that people in power hate him; it’s just the people you don’t like in power who hate him.

    Vote third party if you hate the elites.

  • I don’t hate flatpaks, but flatpaks require more disk space than the same apps from traditional repositories, and they only support a handful of the most common default themes. Since I only ever use older and slower computers, my disk space is limited, and I like to rice my desktop, I personally avoid them. But your use-case may differ.

  • Most of Lemmy only knows what conservatism is based on the strawman they get from other lefties, and even if they did know what conservatives actually believe, the vast majority of Lemmy users are incapable of evaluating someone else’s viewpoint on its own terms; they will declare it internally inconsistent when it is merely inconsistent with their own values.

    You’re asking a question with the presumption of empathy. That makes you a good person. It also makes you an outcast here.