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Then they must be held liable for what they allow to spread on their platforms
I suffer from having to update the firmware of my Xbox controllers through a Windows Laptop we use for office work (using LibreOffice, btw) because they will stop working on my Fedora Linux machine after some time when I update the kernel modules for xone
and xpadneo
It’s interesting to me that you can do that using a VM!!
No idea what in the DNS happened there, that’s not the link I shared.
I accessed the site under a VPN, maybe that’s why it didn’t let me read it as “I had reached their limit” and it was definitely paywalled.
Well, that’s the article where this specific headline is used…
Anyway, here’s the same story without a paywall (that has been posted after I shared this): “Chama eterna” da democracia está apagada para manutenção
Nothing major, just lots and lots of browser toolbars in the XP era and contact with some trojans (especially on torrents) that were thankfully caught by the antiviruses available back then.
Probably the reason why they changed that original headline, but it’s hilarious regardless
That’s fair, but measuring the diameter of pizzas isn’t really something I do tbh and I don’t know the US equivalent of what we call “family sized” around here
Wow that is outrageous. I paid the Brazilian equivalent for that amount yesterday on a 16 slice pizza with four different flavors and a white chocolate border + an 8 slice small sweet one from a local shop with delivery services and all.
No wonder these companies don’t see the financial benefit for bringing their operations to the country…
Hmmm, now I get it, thank you!
I’m aware there are problems with the way their survey works, but I don’t see how that’s the case…
To me it seems like it’s done on a monthly basis by selecting a random pool of users and prompting them to participate by collecting stats at that moment, only once they opt into it.
AFAIK the data is not aggregated over a certain period of time (i.e. “a year”)
Digital Audio Workstation
If the latest Steam survey is anything to go by, it’s actually lower of a percentage when it comes to gaming, representing 1.94% of the market. The stats mentioned in the article come from StatCounter which monitors web traffic.
Looks like we’re going to have to wait until May 15th for NVIDIA’s Beta drivers (555.xx) to add support for the recently merged explicit sync wayland protocol, but at least progress is being made to finally get these issues fixed.
If Wine on wayland were ready we wouldn’t depend on that merge request since the major compositors have already implemented the protocol, but I’m hopeful it won’t take long for XWayland to support it too since all threads were resolved and CI is already passing there.
This article gives a nice overview of the current situation: Explicit Sync Wayland Protocol Merged, Wayland Protocols 1.34 released