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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • iPhone SE - work phone provided by work. No idea why iPhone vs Android other than general uniformity and maybe security. I do have the choice of Android or iPhone for my next one, so who knows. Really tempted to go for Pixel Pro because I’m still not used to the differences in navigation a year and a half later. I fuckin hate my work phone. It doesn’t help that my personal is a Pixel 5 and I use the shit out of the back sensor, gonna miss that when this dies.

    Apple AirPods Pro - these were a gift when I visited a sister site and they’re awesome. They were better before whatever firmware update happened that forced them to Adaptive Audio or Transparent though. Kind of annoying, but still awesome for being free.

  • I have a workday routine setup to turn specific lights on for set stations. If my bathroom vanity and kitchen lights were capable of taking smart bulbs, I wouldn’t have to touch a light switch in the morning. It also means I don’t have to fumble in the dark, half asleep.

    I also have another similar routine but for when my wife gets up with the kids for school.

    Being able to let the kids keep a light on but at 1% brightness is glorious, because it’s a nightlight they can’t pull out of the wall.

    Mood lightning in not just brightness levels but also colours.

    Granted half of what I said is capable without a voice assistant.

    Also I discovered that simulated grey light is a thing and it’s awful… But I learned that because of my voice assistant.

  • Isn’t there a plaque at the Statue of Liberty saying something like:

    Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

    The US and Canada were literally started by immigration, grown by it. Before these two countries were born it belonged to First Nations and the wild. The attitude of ‘fuck you I got mine’ is classic boomer and why society is so fucked today. If they weren’t so rightfully scared of ICE they’d be taxpayers, adding even more value to the country than just their labour and culture alone.

  • Thinking that abstaining to vote washes your hands of association is not correct. Your abstention counts as a vote for the winning party, whether you like it or not.

    Choosing to continue to participate in the social fabric is supporting the choices made much the same as casting a vote. You’re paying taxes, you’re collecting incentives, you’re participating in the economy, you’re enabling the growth of GDP.

    By your own logic, assuming you’re an American citizen and not just a troll, you’re also a genocide apologist who’s enabling whatever party wins.

  • Deodorant user here. I smell great because of it. I didn’t like antiperspirant because I also found I smelt worse because of it and it never really stopped the sweat very well anyways.

    Something you may not factor in though is people expire at different rates. Also, some people smell worse than others regardless of expiration time and some perspire more.