Stay strapped people. This shit is just the beginning. Let’s see these jackboots do that while staring at the barrel of a rifle.
Arm yourselves, the nazis already have.
If this was in Idaho, odds are pretty good that most of the people at that meeting are Nazis.
So why show up under armed? Firearms make everyone equal. You think those thugs would have dragged this woman out if they had force being presented? Not a fucking chance.
You think those thugs would have dragged this woman out if they had force being presented?
No, I think they would have killed her on the spot.
I think that a show of force is useful, at times. (And if you read through my comments, you’ll see that I’m very supportive of individuals in minority groups arming themselves.) I think that large groups of armed protestors that protest peacefully help keep things peaceful. I think that groups like GBGCs showing up to protect Drag Queen Story Hour is a great way to display force. I think being armed is a great way to be able to fight back when someone is threatening to do serious physical harm to you. But in a situation where you’re surrounded by hostile people, I think that discretion is perhaps a wiser course. At least, it is if you want to be able to protest another day.
And honestly, I’d rather read a headline about a woman having her right violated than a headline about a women being killed at a town hall because she flashed a gun.
I’d rather hear about someone getting dragged out of a cult rally pretending to be a political event where there were otherwise no injuries, than I would that someone successfully defended themselves from cultists by discharging a firearm.
I’m going to shoot myself if I have to read that. Stay strapped.
What is up with the large number of people here suddenly refusing to read… barely more than a paragraph? Like, this is a text-based site. If you don’t want to read, why the hell are you on Lemmy?
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I already did it. I’m dead
OK Rambo, I agree with your basic point about everyone in the fight against fascism knowing how to use a firearm, but anyone who draws in this meeting is gonna get gunned down by one of the 40 other people who are carrying. It’s Idaho. She got roughed up but at least everyone is still alive.
Still worth a try. Would be really funny
Things sociopaths say
Is that a compliment or an insult.
As bad as this was, fuck you for suggesting that a shootout with probable fatalities would not have made things worse.
That’s right, passive resistance, trust the process, right this way, it’s been a long
trainCyberBus ride, just step into the shower room… ✌️💀 🚿
I checked Idaho laws and, while I don’t think this clears the security firm from all wrongdoing, they actually allow regular citizens to “arrest” other citizens when they observe an “offense” was committed.
This whole section is FUBAR:
Coeur d’Alene city code requires security agents to wear uniforms “clearly marked” with the word “security” in letters no less than 1 inch tall on the front and no less than four inches tall on the back. The security personnel at Saturday’s town hall were in plainclothes, with no visible sign they were security.
They were officially contracted as security, no just average citizens effecting a citizens arrest. They are legally required to identify themselves as security.
Despite multiple opportunities and requests; they actively refused to do so.
IMO that lady had every right to violently defend herself from these unidentified assailants attempting to assault her.
That is not attempted assault. She’s gonna be a millionaire, come the lawsuit.
I just meant she had the right to defend herself as soon as it became apparent they were trying/going to assault her. She didn’t have to wait for the assault to actually occur.
come the lawsuit.
If she actually pursues legal action. Sooo many people just let this stuff go… :(
A go fund me would gather plenty of resource in this case. I hope she goes for it.
As of this moment, 4.6K donations. Lots of 5-10-25-50$, and a few larger ones, from what I saw. I think we should all donate to the cause. ‘Apes together strong.’
“She was denied her freedom of assembly, her freedom of speech, and most importantly, her right to be free from unlawful detention.” In these times in particular we should all be concerned about our rights, and the rights of others.
I just looked and it’s now over 185k. The goal was 30k.
It’s a good thing that N. ID cities and towns are so flush with cash these days. Umm, wait, well
What would the offense be?
I wouldn’t know enough about their statutes, but either way this sounds like the legislature is inviting citizens to assault other citizens so long as they think a law was broken.
eating a meal. a succulent chinese meal.
Unidentified? You’d think not knowing just who the hell these guys are someone would be right in kicking and punching their teeth right the fuck in, because otherwise, they are just people assaulting you and your rights.
Oh Cœur d’Alene. Never change.
Actually, change everything (besides the scenery). Maybe start with the white nationalists and go from there.
Kid I grew up with became a sheriff in California. He moved there when he became a Trumper. We’re no longer friends. He’s a racist POS.
There is a gofundme for her legal expenses.
Donated. I hope she enjoys the lawsuit settlement $ and has many more years of being a “rabble-rouser” and causing “ruckuses”.
Video of the dragging:
Well, I guess this is just the start
Police chief acting like a Democratic congressperson instead of acting like someone that would shoot an 11 year old with a toy gun.