Fox News openly blamed Donald Trump for Monday’s stock market crash, with the Dow dropping 890 points and the S&P 500 falling 2.7%.
The Dow is now 1,500 points below where it was when Trump took office. Analysts cite his chaotic messaging and steep tariffs on key trading partners as driving investor uncertainty.
Trump refused to predict a recession, calling it a “transition,” while his officials gave conflicting reassurances.
Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent warned of a “detox period,” further fueling market fears.
Trump was placed in office for one specific reason, to make rich people even more money.
He’s falling at that because rich people don’t have cash, they have stock.He’s fucking with trade which is making stock prices free fall, and since rich people’s values are directly tied to stock prices, that’s as good as taking money directly out of their wallets.
This is the only thing that will put an end to Donald Trump, fucking with rich people’s money.The rich are far, far more savvy at investing than that. The rich made a fuckton yesterday by selling VIX, writing calls, and generally just doing what people who already own everything do.
This hurts 401(k)s and investments owned by normal people. The rich will be fine.
They’re crashing everything on purpose, and at multiple people direction. The wealthy a) make money on the shorts etc and b) will hoover up whats left after everyone not in the 1% has nothing left.
THATS when they’ll ditch DT via the 25th, Vance will take over as hes less of a loose cannon and more controllable. He’ll also be able to run for president twice more if they use the 25th on DT after 2 years.
I wish you were right, but the rich LOVE a stock fire sale and Trump is giving them one. Berkshire Hathaway has been saving up liquidity specifically in anticipation of a recession. Every time the market dips, the rich end up growing even richer.
He was placed in office to make super wealthy oligarchs richer and he is succeeding.
Oligarchs make a killing in these conditions. They all came out richer after the 2008 financial collapse and they will again this time.
Unbelievably enough, it might end up being the rich people in the US who end up saving us all, by deposing Trump because he fucks up their bottom line.
When you thought you were a leopard but you turned out to just be a person with a face.
Fox host Jesse Waters whines about Donald Trump giving jobs to all Fox hosts except him
Poor widdle guy thought he’d get to eat faces. :(
Eh, they’ll just blame the democrats somehow. That’s all they ever do. Make up some convoluted or disconnected logic about how some unrelated policy set by Biden or Obama made trump such a shitty president.
Exactly and their viewers will eat that shit up. Faux news can eat a bag of necrotic maggot infested dicks.
Edit autocorrect
calling it a “trans
DOGE has scrubbed all record of his comment.
What was that truth social post again about the market dropping 2% under “horrible Harris” and “sleepy Joe” and how they should resign?
If ding-a-ling keeps it up, he just might be on track for wiping out all gains since his hyperventilating last year.
Watching these LYING LIARS from his admin and in Congress and from State Media claiming that Biden handed him the worst economy, and how it’s been a “terrible four years” is a real exercise in next-level gaslighting. They are saying this right as little d does his tariff game to crash the markets.
Well, shit just got real and State Media is about keeping an eye on THEIR money, too. If they are not cut in on the market manipulation/intentional cratering and subsequent buying out things for pennies on the dollar, that is.
They need to double down. They are the mouthpiece of the president, embrace your role. Propaganda only works if you don’t question.
Last time we had a depression we didn’t have 512 million guns floating around. Gonna be a hot time in the ol town for sure.
Shotgun shells and canned goods are back on the menu, boys!
My wife thought I was crazy, she might have been partially right, but during Covid when people stoked up on TP I was stocking up on ammo. I told her I didn’t trust the current admin (Trump) to actually do enough and worried about a devolving system. I feel it even more with Trump 2.0… I’ve been telling all my progressive friends to go to the range and arm themselves. Those guns are floating in the hands of a ton of MAGA-folk and I don’t trust them.
Those MAGA-folk are going to be super mad when they lose their jobs and homes due to their dear leader’s fuck-ups. The blame game won’t work now that immigrants are leaving either. MAGAs are pretty dumb, but even they will begin to figure out who is causing their woes.
I would not advertise that too much if I were you
That MAG have lots of guns? That I’m prepared to defend exactly what my constitution says? Or that I’m armed? Because all of them are things I would advertise. People need to learn that progressives/the left are armed too.
That you’re stockpiling ammo. Trump is going to go after personal gun ownership at some point in the next 2 year.
Outside of his bump stock ban that couldn’t be farther from an actual reality. There are many, many stupid things that man will do. Taking away guns is definitely not one of them. I’m all for pointing out the insanity of this administration, but we cannot become crazy conspiracy nuts like MAGA. Trump will ruin the economy and make it so people can’t afford guns, but take them away… not at all.
Trump literally said, "“Take the guns first, go through due process second,” in his first term.
Fascist authoritarian dictators usually don’t let private gun ownership exist.
And at the very least they’ll try to take them away from liberals.
While true, Project 2025 seems to want to go all-in on guns everywhere with strong support from the NRA. But you’re right, historically this meant only guns for loyalists.
Exactly shocked the fuck out of my brother a year ago when he saw me browsing a socialist gun sub reddit. He said in fear “socialist have guns?” I said fuck yeah we do. He thought only right wingers are armed.
He also freaked when that guy in Florida driving a toyota prius shot that fucking red neck that was harassing him.
That MAG have lots of guns? That I’m prepared to defend exactly what my constitution says? Or that I’m armed? Because all of them are things I would advertise. People need to learn that progressives/the left are armed too.
If it gets to the point where you actually have to use your guns in that manner, all you’re doing is advertising that you have a whole bunch of ammo and supplies for other people to steal. Thump your chest all you want, but you’ve gotta sleep sometime and if you’re going to advertise that you have a shitload of ammo available, someone’s gonna come to your house in the middle of the night when you’re least able to defend yourself and kill you to take it and everything else you own.
Arm yourself to the teeth if you can and if that makes you feel better, but keep quiet about it. The best way to make sure nobody comes to try to take what you have is making sure that nobody knows you have it in the first place.
My house isn’t intended to be a point of battle… I think you’re mistaking being prepared for something and talking about that preparation compared to building up full caches. Which I have no reason for. Look more to examples of Ukraine in the early parts of the war. That’s a rough idea of what I’d expect modern warefare/civil war. So having enough to fight off something potentially localized is important, but not the end. Being quiet on these matters is how we have ended up in this shit position.
My point stands. Whether it’s society breaking down and local citizens looting off of each other, or you’re worried about a Trump Gestapo coming for you doesn’t matter. If you advertise that you’re stocking up on ammo and supplies, and either other citizens or Trump’s thugs decide they want it, they’re going to come for it and you’re not going to be able to fight them off. You are not the Terminator. You are not Rambo. You are not a one-man-army.
If you want to stock up on ammo, more power to you. Build up a cache like Schwarzenegger’s shed in Commando. But you are not Schwarzenegger. The best way to make sure that you still have that stuff if shit goes sideways is to make sure nobody else knows you have it. Otherwise, they’ll just barge in and thank you for building up a huge supply cache for them to take by putting a bullet in your head. Whether you’re worried about looting citizens or Trump’s thugs is irrelevant.
When the FUCK did I claim to be a one man army? Holy shit my dude. I simply said I’m trying to convince my other progressive/liberal friends to arm themselves and keeping myself armed. If I thought I was a one man army I wouldn’t be trying to get them to arm themselves. Your point doesn’t stand because it’s coming from an assumption that you’ve made not from truth
Last time we had a depression
Great Depression 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Gotta put Trump’s name in there. Make sure it’s attached directly to his name for the rest of history.
2 Caste 2 Spurious
Hell has frozen over for once that FOX actually blames an active Republican politician. That’s when you know - you’ve truly fucked up.
Uh-oh! You thought Trump was some ultra-conservative “tear down this wall” kind of President when he actually turned out to be a treasonous, Russian asset, “burn fucking everything” type of President? Ah, dang, where did I leave those shits? Totally would’ve given you some, but it appears I’m all out. 🤷
No simpler way to bankrupt all the poors and let the billionaires buy up all their land and such to start their “freedom cities” which are actually company towns.
Gotta make em desperate and give them no choice before you can build Amazonfield, Metacity One, and Teslaville.
I don’t think any of this is intentional. There is no secret plan or grand strategy, it’s all as chaotic as it looks.
There is a plan for the oligarchs financing US politicians.
Trump doesn’t have a plan, and understand how anything works. Everything he’s ever signed was written by lobbyists and corporate lawyers.
Which puts it all back to chaos - I think it’s all individual retrogressives taking advantage to push their own agenda. You end up with dozens of independent half-baked strategies doing all sorts of inconsistent things
“Chaos is a ladder” -
The Dow is now 1,500 points below where it was when Trump took office.
Holy shit.
Did you even thank Trump for this though? You don’t have the cards.
Where’s your suit also?
Thank you Massa trump, sir.
Every MAGA
He is playing poker, and I am playing 52 pickup.
FOX News? Holy. I must withdraw my funds assp.
Buy low, sell high.
The funny thing about buying the dip is that sometimes the company is just fucking failing and is up to its eyeballs in debt, so you don’t even get a cash out.
And if it wasn’t in debt, it will be when the corporate raiders finish transfering their own debt to it.
That’s why I’m in index and mutual funds. I didn’t do well with picking single stocks.
No one does well with picking individual stocks, any more than someone does well at playing the lottery. Even the people who win just got lucky.
Professional stock traders frequently lose to random chance engines like a hamster in a ball or an octopus touching coloured tiles.
The only way to reliably succeed at owning individual stocks is to be wealthy enough that you can massively diversify your portfolio. The rest of us should just buy VGRO.
Yeah, if anything this would be a time to buy, not sell.
Not that you should be trying too hard to time the market. But if the opportunity presents itself and you were investing anyway…
If Fox News turns Democrat for Trump, we can say the apocalypse has begun
Things have been very upside down lately on multiple fronts…
Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent warned of a “detox period,” further fueling market fears.
“Monetary policy in this nation historically has been too stuck on the concept of money having value. The president has introduced a ‘detox period’ where we are decouple the concept of ‘money’ and it being worth anything.” -Scott Bessent probably