• Tb0n3@sh.itjust.works
    11 months ago

    It’s fine if it’s just a decision for yourself. You should have that privacy. The problem arises when others disagree that the fetus is inseparable from the mother. That’s why it was so shaky. If you had full privacy over yourself and someone else then murder could easily be argued the same. Like I’ve said it needed to have it’s own law, not sit precariously on other unrelated ones.

      • Tb0n3@sh.itjust.works
        11 months ago

        Your opinion is not the only one on earth. That’s my point. There’s lots of people who would take the stance that it’s two separate people and an abortion is murdering one. Privacy would have nothing to say about that. Might as well actually make it a law about abortion based on a foundation made for it.

    • Cethin@lemmy.zip
      11 months ago

      Fetal personhood isn’t a thing, and conservatives don’t want to go their either. If fetal personhood exists, getting in an accident and causing a miscarriage is now manslaughter. No one is advocating for that, so no one is advocating that fetuses are people deserving of the rights of a person.

      • AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Exactly. Fetal personhood opens up an entirely different can of worms. Some ladies have successfully made the argument that being pregnant permits them to use the carpool lane while on the freeway. There’s also the possibility of taking out a life insurance policy, collecting back child support, etc.

      • Tb0n3@sh.itjust.works
        11 months ago

        The point is Roe v. Wade was always on shaky ground and we’re finally getting to a place where real laws are being made instead of being legislated from the bench.

    • SoylentBlake@lemm.ee
      11 months ago

      Y’know, 20 weeks was the compromise. Arguing fetal personhood is lunacy. LUN.A.CY. even the BIBLE disagrees with that. Compensation for murdered family members didn’t have the pregnant wife at 200%. All of which is fucked anyway because it implies people are property, which is something the majority of us don’t agree too today. The BIBLE also only mentions abortion ONE TIME and HOW TO GET ONE.

      There is no Christian high horse here. I’ve read the bible. I’ve studied the bible, as in all I did for months was read that book, have a notepad for thoughts and notation. The Christian right have been manipulated into taking a position that prior to the 70s propaganda campaign they supported (look it up, it’s true).

      Are these the same people arguing against science and “wokeness” in school? What about their children’s rights to factual knowledge or a degree from an accredited school? When do we, as a society, stop letting parents treat their kids as property? Because that’s the core of what their doing, and their arguments come in bad faith.

      They aren’t gonna find the heaven their hoping for, not if that socialist carpenter who fucking hated bankers but loved dinner parties, drinking wine, chillin with the prostitutes. You KNOW JC was singing every fucking shanty known with them fishermen. He must’ve been the life of every party, by default, yea? Christ also said, so there’s absolutely zero confusion, that those that seek forgiveness at the end will not be welcomed into heaven. The religion is modeled, in fact there’s a couple books named it in the bible, on ACTS. The followers are supposed to embody the sentiment (WWJD? Letting JC into your heart - meaning to know his mentality so well you are just the kind of person who defaults to the same conclusion he does. So like 3 Christians I’ve met in my whole life will get to heaven, by the standards Jesus himself laid out)and lead the kind of life that gives to the point of hurting, having FAITH that their needs will be meet, thru the Lord. So a Christian, living the way we’re supposed to, is potentially going hungry every night and giving/helping everyone they can trusting that God will send someone to help them. Faith only lives in the face of uncertainty and for those faithful, they’ll feel no fear. You have to LIVE the gospel. It takes ACTS. Plural. Many. Daily. You have to be ready to be a martyr. You have to BE the saviour you seek. That’s where you’ll find heaven. And only there do you find moral high ground.

      You can’t put onto others that which you won’t put on yourself. That includes opinions on how life should be led and what people “should” be allowed to do. People will do what they’re gonna do, regardless of legality, imposing the trite into law (say, mixing your fabrics) just diminishes the law, not the person. You can make giving water to the thirsty illegal and it’s the law that’s the monster there, not the human. Well, the humans behind the law are. Definitely.

      So shit man. King Solomon didn’t think a baby was of the same value as a grown woman. For almost all of human existence children weren’t named until they were thought to survive. First it was 3 years, then naming, then 1 year (as SCIENCE improved) etc.

      If science has done one thing, just ONE thing we should all be proud of, it’s reducing infant mortality for both the child and the mother. It’s assumed they’ll both survive now. This essentially presupposes the current argument. We are coming from a condition of Aplenty to even have this argument. Thanks to science, not God - unless you think he’s behind the scientists - but then you’d have to accept the scientific definition of zygote, fetus and child - cuz God sent all that right?

      God commanded us to be good shepards and use our agency. Part of our agency is what seperates us from beast, and that’s our rationality. To be a Christian worthy of heaven you Must. Be. Rational. or not only are you complacently living in sin by ignoring what God wants for us, but you are actively throwing away your God given gifts and FLAUNTING it with pride, hiding behind a misunderstood version of faith.

      • Tb0n3@sh.itjust.works
        11 months ago

        Bruh wtf? I’m not even religious. I’m just saying that some people hold different opinions and it doesn’t have to come DIRECTLY from their god. Morals are fluid and so something unacceptably evil to some may be correct to others. Doesn’t make one side right or wrong. It’s not based on some fundamental law.

        • SoylentBlake@lemm.ee
          11 months ago

          Alright I can accept that.

          Personally I consider the fetus a baby once it’s viable. Thankfully, Technology has lowered the internal incubation time frame, in other words, preemies have a much higher survival rate now.

          The ensuing sketch situations then, is that if a fetus can be external incubated from week 16 (just throwing a number out there, I have no idea what the current medical limit is) then do we mandate a birth, (I assume thru caesarian, I don’t know if pitocin can induce whenever, but beyond that, I think pitocin needs to be way more restricted than it currently is. I’m no OBGYN, my opinion means nothing) forcing the women to carry to term, or does society pick up the tab for the next 5 months, cuz no ones jumping up to fund that. And then where does the infant go? Adoption is thrown out like it’s a cure all and for some, sure, but I could read daily a novel case of child abuse in just foster care alone. There is no cure all.

          The keao that all fetuses deserve personhood is insane. That makes miscarriages murder or manslaughter at best, and women can do everything right and still lose the child. Allowing the state fetal person hood will not only relegate women to 2nd class citizens without their own bodily autonomy but then we’ll see state overreach, where miscarriages are treated as crimes and women are jailed for them.

          We know that for a fact, because it’s already happening down in Alabama.

          So a person goes from advocating that all life is sacred at conception to jailing, terrorizing and traumatizing our girls. Our girls, many if whom are in a fragile state from having just had a miscarriage and distraught, and in their time of need and vulnerability, we lock them up and vring them up in charges?

          Yo, bro. That cure is worse than the disease, ya get me? That’s a traumatized, just for fucking funsies, woman who probably will never want to have children now. That’s guaranteeing our falling birth rate drops off the cliff.

          When women are too scared to have babies, un, I don’t know if you know this, but THATS IT. Humanity no more. Civilization crumbles without enough young people to support the needs of the old. we are already staring down that loaded barrel, so instead of working to lower that gun, why are y’all raising more?

          So we’re clear, every women you know could have 2 kids and somehow afford them, but thats maybe 1000 women and when off in the big city there’s 4 million women refusing any and all vaginal sex (the poophole’s the loophole, guess what? your society still ends and those 2000 babies you know, they’re all gonna starve with everyone else, cuz none of us subsistence farm anymore.