that is an interesting image, it reminds me of images created with ray tracing programs like Terragen and POV Ray
that is an interesting image, it reminds me of images created with ray tracing programs like Terragen and POV Ray
The exchanges are truly a [new?] low.
All the way down to “Why don’t you wear a suit? It’s disrespectful” from the guy in the ill fitting siut
I liked his reply to that. That black shirt looks miles better than that ill fitting suit on that guy
As a straight guy <sinp some pointless comment>, stat the fuck away from that guy
I’m currently a Site/Processing manager that dabbles in data, got there through beekeeping. I got a summer job working for a beekeeper (over 30 years. ago now) while doing a BSc in organic chemistry and never went back to uni - I was planning to go into lab work/food science in the dairy industry.
We have had near 3 weeks of 25 to 30 deg here in the Waikato, It’s felt like summer at last; although this evening was cooler.
Indeed he did
I wonder how location dependent it is?
Hell we haven’t has 1 and 5c for decades here, prices still end in .99. It just the final amount that gets rounded <if you pay in cash>.
Yes it does take an Act to allow the rounding on the final price.
I hadn’t seen all that. I may have to move my services again
I run opnsense as a VM and have done for maybe 5 years now, moved across 3 different sets of hardware.
I DO have a hardware router under the ONT for if / when I feck up proxmox.
Snapshots are great when you start to play with the firewall settings or upgrades
Probably will have a lot depending on the country and how well you know the person at the other end.
I’d be happy to (and do use) some text emoji with people I know well.
I suspect that the damage (for the most part) has already been done.
I had/have no trouble here
Maybe we shouldn’t have been giving our power away at cost to a AU multinational for the last <forever> years. Maybe we should have been using profits to invest in new wind/wave/solar way befor we actually started…
If Canada wants to really retaliate then wouldn’t the best option be to put on an export tax ON exports to America (like oil/gas/power/Minerals and Heavy equipment)?
<edit spilling>
I suspect that much of lemmy runs on this rule “Lastly, Don’t be a dick”, I know that my instance and the other *.nz do. Don’t be a dick, and you should be fine - if you want to be <edgy> then (as said) go kick rocks
having sex work for a lot of people
Having enough sex work for the people is important
I thought I read that Trum was sending 000’s of trups the the southern border to round up immigrants?
How does that work in US politics? Can Congress raise a vote of no confidence?