No that would be
No that would be
The “centrist” party leader (Winston Peters) is a whole thing that I can’t neatly summarize, but imagine a political party designed to cater exclusively to the oldest & dumbest 5% of voters run by that Monorail guy from The Simpsons
I cant neatly summarise him either, but I have disliked him immensely since he verbally abused myself and some other students at Waikato back in '93
Not the Tron?, god forbid.
If it then I guess welcome new neighbour…
I run opnsense in proxmox, and have done for what must be coming up to 5 years.
Yes I have fucked up proxmox occasionally, but I use my ‘router’ as my wifi AP. If I have fucked up I can bring internet back up with a single cable swap and a quick config change on the router
I wouldn’t worry about ‘website traffic’ if you are using federated services: there is a shit ton of chatter back and forth between servers.
You could put the UI behind a simple password page but you will have to leave all the API urls open.
It takes time and effort to keep ALL the services update (as well as the host OS). So much so that I have actually taken down my wordpress blog
You can use a single domain and subdomains for each service. Once you start to host multi-services you will need more and more compute power and storage.
BlueEther@BlueEthers-MacBook-Air ~ % uptime
17:18 up 47 days, 6:26, 2 users, load averages: 2.19 2.61 2.56
blueaether@lemmy:~$ uptime
04:25:37 up 204 days, 19:45, 1 user, load average: 0.09, 0.15, 0.16
The TV/server has been up for 38 days, I think it got turned off by mistake last month
Along a similar line, ground temp (~200mm deep) lags air temps by about 12 hours
At the age of 50 I more or less thought the same
Ren in general is well worth the time
Well concidering that we have just had boxing day lunch - not much like Christmas, more like my mother’s birthday
Often a BBQ; lamb, fresh sweet corn and a side of fresh salads, just picked tomatoes etc. Then topped off with pavlova.
But Canada is up and water likes to flow down… Where’s the problem?
Yeah. Sitting by the pool in 25c watching the kids have a swim
I did spend 10 years in northern England from 2000 and a cold possibly white Christmas took ages to get used to
Each university will then have to adopt a “freedom of speech statement” consistent with the central government’s expectations.
The changes will also prohibit tertiary institutions from adopting positions on issues that do not relate to their core functions.
free speech, but not that free speech
Last time we had National in charge we had NZ’s pre-eminant fresh water ecologist labeled as an economic terrorist by <sir> John Key.
They can go and get fucked on the free speach
just did the jump fro. .5 to .8 today (for all of my 2 active users)
I thought I read that Trum was sending 000’s of trups the the southern border to round up immigrants?