Housing Minister Chris Bishop has told real estate agents that the government wants to “flood the market” with opportunities for housing development.

It has agreed to a range of changes that would free up land for housing, and, the government hopes, make housing more affordable.

My rough summary of proposal:

  • Most cities will be required to have zoned enough land for 30 years of housing demand all the time
  • These cities won’t be allowed to determine urban/rural boundaries
  • Must intensify, especially around major public transport routes. If they decide not to for character reasons, then equivalent capacity must be opened up in another area
  • cafes, dairies, etc (mixed use) must be allowed in residential areas
  • appartments not allowed to have minimum floor area or requirement for balcony set by council
  • councils already intensifying under a previous agreement (MDRS) will keep this, but if they change it then they have to move to using new rules

Let me know if I’ve got something wrong!

  • Xcf456@lemmy.nz
    4 months ago
    • Expensive unsustainable sprawl

    • expensive unsustainable sprawl

    • deciding not to intensify for character reasons will lead to denser sprawl on city fringes without amenities, defeating the point a great extent given public transport funding has been slashed. This is already happening in Auckland

    • mixed use fuck yes do that

    • no minimum apartment size seems terrible when combined with the other sprawl idk. Banks are already very squeamish about lending less than 45sq m aren’t they or has that changed

    • Wasn’t the MDRS better than this though?

    Build good quality, well sized apartment blocks and terraces in centrally located connected areas people actually want to live. If the private market can’t or won’t do that, then the state needs to step in and do it, like in every other housing crisis we’ve had in this country.

    • TagMeInSkipIGotThis@lemmy.nz
      4 months ago

      #1 & #2 does feel like a bit of a gift to the folks who got in some years ago and banked land on the boundaries. Explains why an apple orchard down the road felled all the trees and just left them there - no new grafts or anything; the block got bought by a major property developer who must have seen the chances of either a zoning change or removal of the urban/rural zone coming.

      Sprawl typically also means fewer 200+m2 houses on larger blocks of land when looking at opening up public spaces and building denser housing close to public transport is a better solution for long term transport emissions.

      • Xcf456@lemmy.nz
        4 months ago

        It’ll be great if it does, but there appears to be a big focus on greenfield both explicitly and giving opt outs to councils that can push to “other” areas if they don’t upzone so called character areas.

        So pushing development to the fringes that are less served by existing infrastructure and services, and therefore more expensive or just downright worse in that regard.

        • Dave@lemmy.nzOPM
          4 months ago

          Does that give incentive for the council to not use the character clause? They can use it, but if they do they will face more expensive servicing of properties.

        • Ilovethebomb@lemmy.nz
          3 months ago

          There is a greenfield development in Upper Hutt that is nearing completion, on a former Ag Research piece of land. It’s a very dense development, a mixture of townhouses and stand alone buildings, with the standalone buildings mostly multi story. Still has walking access to public transport and shops, too.

          It’s definitely easier to build on a large scale when starting from scratch like that.

  • Dave@lemmy.nzOPM
    4 months ago

    While I may not have done exactly this, I don’t think it’s the worst thing in the world? Possibly even a step in the right direction?

  • Fizz@lemmy.nz
    4 months ago

    Sounds good on a headline but I think the policy misses a huge opportunity and will ultimately only help rich people.

    Theyre right in that Flooding the housing market with houses is the only way to bring the cost down. But national is letting housing developers try and fill the demand gap Housing developers will build houses to make money but not enough to fill the demand gap. It’s also not going to work because the demand is to high and housing developers don’t want to “flood the market”

    If the housing was built and owned by the government at least it could be used as a safety net for the people unable to keep up with rising house prices. In nationals situation developers win, people who can afford to own investment properties win, renters lose and poor people lose.

    Every dollar the government “saves” not building those houses will be spent renting emergency housing from those developers or subsiding rent for people who can’t afford to live in them.

    • Ilovethebomb@lemmy.nz
      4 months ago

      You say this as though “housing developers” are one entity that works together, rather than a group of businesses all competing with each other, and not necessarily all that fond of the competition.

      • Fizz@lemmy.nz
        4 months ago

        Housing developers are a group that lobby political parties for policy that is in all their interest so it’s i think its fair to lump them into a single group here. They have gotten what they want.