During an appearance on MSNBC’s “Way Too Early,” the New York Times’ Peter Baker suggested Donald Trump is still having a great deal of difficulty coming to terms with the notion that he could lose in November to Vice President Kamala Harris.Baker claims that the former president’s recent actions de…
I’m going to fill in that Harris/Walz bubble so hard he’s going to feel it.
He’s going to lose, and I’m going to enjoy being a part of making it happen.
Nothing is guaranteed before the election.
And since Jan6th is how Trump left the last election, nothing is guaranteed even if the election wins. But an election victory in massive numbers would be our best bet moving forward. It cannot be close, Trump must be soundly defeated for the country to move forward effectively.
While I agree, I think trump will whip his sycophants into a lather if he loses, regardless of how close, and more people will get hurt and killed. They need deprogramming, like a Nazi in 1946. Or if they choose to act on their fuhrers orders, hanged for treason. The time to be soft on this shit is over, leniency will bring more January 6th’s
Nazis lived on until they died, believing that the Holocaust was a myth.
That’s why we built the Holocaust museum and other WW2 museums. To make sure that as the Nazis died off decades or a century later, that our message would outlast them.
There’s no “deprogramming” here. This is going to be a lifelong obligation for us to fight against bad ideas.
Start hanging them. They’ll run for the rocks they crawled out of.
Exactly. That video of the police officer being chased by a mob down hallways of one of our highest institutions makes me sick for what Trump is doing to our democracy.
The risk isn’t another Jan-6. The risk is from his cronies positioned as election officials in the coming election.
Imagine a few counties in various states that refuse to certify the vote counts because of supposed irregularities. Imagine the miriad lawsuits that will be files by Trump’s sycophants on Nov. 3rd. They will tie up the elections in as many states as they can with the goal of having SCOTUS step in and declare Trump the winner.
The chaos and violence this time will not be in DC. It’ll be everywhere else.
The risk isn’t another Jan-6. The risk is from his cronies positioned as election officials in the coming election.
This - well, it’s probably both, but the “legal vote stealers” will be gunning for anyone they can get away with steamrolling. Crooked judges or weak Democratic responses will mean we lose legitimate vote counts to theft.
That will be very bad, for all the reasons, and again - that is their plan.
if they choose to act on their fuhrers orders, hanged for treason.
You really think the spineless Democrats will actually hold them fully accountable, much less “hang” anyone? Five stars for the thought though.
Why only Democrats? I think there are plenty of more reasonable Republicans letting trumpism run roughshod over their party, so they tow the party line like a good little bitch.
Once positive difference: The current president is Biden, not Trump. Assuming Harris wins, Biden will absolutely ensure that nothing even remotely like January 6th is allowed to happen again.
He’ll have to activate the army in red states because they’ve already passed their unconstitutional laws. And the MAGA white trash parade will be non-stop, armed, and stupid as fuck.
I mean - they’re completely believing a demented sociopath. And lots of gravy seals are ready to kill innocent people again. They really don’t understand how fucked up they’ve made things. Because of all the bigly winning.
I hope they’ve got the sense to prepare for batshit preppers gone wild.
That’s a great point that gets left out.
Yeah well he and his cronies were also in power during and before that time so I think we’d have a bit more backup this time
Jimmy Carter shall lead the way!
Again. He may lose again. He lost the popular vote twice. He will definitely lose it a third time, and he may lose the election again. “Again” needs to be emphasized because he’s going to keep trying and we must make sure he loses again.
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Trump said to be struggling to come to grips that he may lose again
Remember that “The Democrats are the best at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory” is a thing and we’ve still got some time to go until November.
I’m not believing anything is over until February. I’ll give January to all the lawsuits they’ll file and whatever stolen election bullshit they’re going to pull, but I’m not going to believe Trump will lose that easily even if the rally sizes are “looking good” for us.
This is the way.
Hope for the best, work for the best, push for the best, but expect the worst and prepare for the worst. Trump and his Russian backers are not going to rest. He will literally try anything to avoid being held accountable. And there’s way too many dollars for the Shitgibbon to grift away. We need to unify to keep the Shitgibbon out of office because anything less than that WILL have the most vulnerable among us hurt.
😂 It would make my day to see him lose to a woman. And the icing on the cake is she is a minority some even say black. I’m actually excited to vote now.
That’s a good point. Not only will we see democracy spared, we’ll get to see low t humiliated by losing to a woman of color.
I cannot wait to vote.
You can go back even to 2016 where he was laying the ground work to say he didn’t lose to Hilary and then he won and I think it shocked him a bit. He’s always been like this though across everything.
It’d be terrible if all the stress gave him a massive heart attack.
It would be shame if the heart attack was caused by being torn apart by a pack of wild dogs. I hope he doesn’t catch fire and there’s nobody around with a full bladder to put out the flames.
I honestly wouldn’t walk across a street to piss on him if he was on fire.
this ancient orange piece of shit is overstressed and could just fucking die at any time. puts a smile on my face every time i think about it.
Hopefully on camera at one of his misinformation events.
I am so excited to take a shit on his grave after his inevitable heart attack.
I will also be there for the group poop
Just make sure the night before you do that, you go to the all-you-can-eat mexican buffet and have the refried chicken bean burro with the fire salsa beef stew.
His children will bury him on a golf course for the tax benefits.
It’s a lot of fun watching him squirm.
He can’t die before putting on that orange jumpsuit. If he died in office in his last term I’d have allowed it.
What is the difference in stressed and overstressed? I keep seeing people add “over” as a prefix and it confuses me
Normal stress - running an election and having your entire game plan thrown out the window because the guy you were calling too old to run quit. Now you’re losing to a woman that is also black. Two things that you clearly can’t stand because you’re a piece of shit.
Overstress - You realize you’re very likely going to lose and that means you’re fucked. You have 34 felonies and a bunch more shit to face in courts and you will go to jail. Your money taken from you to pay people you fucked over and that list is long. This is the kind of stress that drugs can’t get you to sleep through.
He didn’t even come to grips losing the popular vote to Hillary Clinton.
Or having less people at his inauguration than Obama.
Anyone here ever watched Downfall? I’ll be honest, I kinda hate Trump=Hitler comparisons, but this article and Trump’s past few weeks reminds me a lot of Hitler’s final scenes in the film, just completely delusional about some long-since destroyed corps coming in to save Berlin from the overwhelming Reds. I can only hope that it turns out that way
I would pay to watch Trump angrily and frustratingly banging on a table screaming " Nein Nein Nein", more so with tears in his eyes and his pack behind him knowing they can’t interfere without taking the brunt of it, watching their world view just smolder to the ground.
A trump in denial is a dangerous thing. Expect him to mobilize his band of slack-jawed troglodytes.
Nothing more dangerous than an orange imbecile out of options.
I see you have met my cat
He didn’t come to grips with it last time around. Why would this be different?
“Where’s Joe???”
Its definitely Alzheimer’s
It’s tsundere
Oh he is going to lose and he is going to lose badly.
We said that A LOT in 2016.
A lot.
Because - I mean . . . right? What sane person would want this horrific bastard anywhere near government ever??
Guess the share of sane people among the totality was gravely misjudged.
Can’t wait for the next round of Smartmatic/Dominion law suits.
Maybe Fox/Newsmax/OAN has another Billion to cough up. (😂😭)
Lindell is already cooked and fellow Kraken/Octupus ink siblings Sidney Powell and Rudolph Giuliani should be well clammed up by now as well
The issue he’s going to face is that he has no power this time.
Last time he was the president. He was able to set up the situation that lead to a crisis with no immediate response.
There is no way that happens. They will be ready regardless of how likely anything is going to develop.
I won’t be surprised if there is a much larger body count this time around. I would be disappointed if the order to shoot on sight wasn’t given for anyone that storms any federal building.
They need to be prepared for bombings like what happened in Oklahoma all those years ago.