If I owned a Tesla right now, I’d be in a bad situation. I sure as hell no longer want to be seen in one. The market for them has crashed, and nobody wants to buy one used. If I could afford a Tesla, I’d surely have insurance… I’d be rooting for somebody to set that shit on fire
I completely get it, along with all the folks saying they don’t, won’t, can’t sell their Tesla. I’m also going to flip off every single Tesla I see on the road unless something seriously changes. I’ve spent most of my life with my head in the sand, first time ever donating to politics was sending Harris a weeks pay after she announced following Biden’s disaster debate. I was obviously part of the problem. Since the election I’ve cut out my family, have one friend left, and my wife and kids. I also flip off everyone in my development that had up Trump signs anytime I see them. I’m not going to actively destroy someone else’s property but I’d defend anyone that does. I’m privileged, my breaking point is different, the least I can do is show I’m not another bigot in this backwater country by ensuring my disdain for their hatred is understood. Fuck all of them and the symbolism’s of hate they have built. Even if I somehow found myself in a Tesla I’d at a minimum still be flipping off every one of them I saw on the road and hope every person I passed returned the favor so I’d know where they stood. Fuck them and fuck anyone carrying around their symbol of hatred hiding behind their veil of privilege.
This is incredibly sad, and I feel so sorry for you.
So much impotent rage.
Just put one of those “I bought it before I knew Elon was crazy” bumper stickers on it and continue to drive it.
So instead of just risking anti-Musk people burning the car, you will now also have the pro-Musk people who might burn your car.
I put BYD badges on mine until I get rid of it.
My neighbor’s in that bucket, he bought one back when I would have bought my self one had I been in better financial health.
There’s probably a lot of left-wing upper middle class that have them. Ever since musk came on the scene Tesla’s been awfully bullish on making it hard to sell them.
Make money by charging people for a chance to beat it up
Is this satire?
You needed to ask?
Idk I guess I thought a stupid fucking idiot made a website. It seems the stupid fucking idiot was me. My bad.
I remember a few people got caught for hiring a hit man at hireahitman.com (or something equally on the nose and obvious).
In that case, at least, law enforcement set up the website
Nah the site was satarical and a few people took it seriously and emailed theguy who ran it, who forwarded their info to law enforcement.
My favorite Irish man made a video about it if you’re interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9P8YxjgH08
I should have scrolled down further, I see that now.
People don’t have to be stuck with a Tesla. I sold my 2018 Model 3 to Carvana last week for 18k. Yesterday I turned right around and bought a 2019 Audi Q5 for 18k. I never wanted to go back to gas, but I only plan on owning this until I can get the Rivian R2 I reserved. Then I’ll sell the Audi for the down payment on the Rivian. Should be a year or two max.
Admirable. I keep telling owners its not that hard to drive something else. I appreciate you acting on your values.
The R3X can’t get here fast enough.
I think I’m gonna shoot for the R2S, or go for the Hyundai/Kia. The R3X is too small, and I’ve never owned anything larger than a midsize sedan.
People don’t have to be stuck with a Tesla
But then the person you sold it to will be the person stuck with a Tesla, no?
Carvana is a corporation, who gives a shit if they’re stuck with a Tesla they can’t sell.
Ah, I missed that part. In my head the person was just selling to another person.
After the bad experience with startup, tech company car brands that caused you to short sell your Tesla, your long-term plan is to get a different startup, tech company car?
Why not? I made a lot of money from Tesla. If Rivian follows the same path, I will again. I am a tech early adopter, I’m willing to do these things. My Tesla was amazing for 7 years. I got an ok price for it. The price was good enough to buy an Audi which is one year younger.
Also, I doubt RJ Scaringe is going to stage a coup to own the US. Elon has set a fascist bar that nobody can clear.
Rivian doesn’t have first mover advantage if you’re talking about stocks.
True, but that usually doesn’t matter. They’re using the same playbook, but their product is much better. There is plenty of room in the EV market for more profitable innovation.
Nah fam. I hate Elon, but I love my 2020 model 3 like a child. I won’t buy another Tesla most likely, but I’m not selling A CAR for political reasons. That’s mr moneybags level shit. Especially since it’s bought and paid for.
I’m gonna drive this till it breaks. I saw one with 500,000km the other day on it. So who cares about after market.
Same, 2020 m3 also, love the car to death, still hate nazis.
But they started texting me asking me to look at new models, and I am so fucking close to replying ‘sorry, Im trying to sell the swastikar I already own’.
But he’s just a CS rep, shitting on him does little.
I don’t hate ANYONE at Tesla other than Elon. If they could give him the boot I’d probably buy from them forever. Except I do like the look of the rivians.
Yeah I hate elon but I’m too lazy to sell the car
Same. It’s a great car and I generally don’t care what other people think of me. But seriously fuck Elon Musk. I’m a shareholder as well and would absolutely vote to remove him as CEO in a heartbeat.
I’ve been afraid to say this on Lemmy, but I own a Tesla Model 3 and it’s worth it for many things, but mostly the FSD for my 40 min commute. I almost exclusively charge at home, and would not buy another Tesla now but, at the time I bought it, things weren’t so bad and it’s my first brand new car so sorry, not sorry.
I hope you at least bought the FSD package outright with the car and aren’t just funneling him $100 a month…
That is correct.
I can support that haha
It’s a really good car. Moreso in 2020 when I bought. Would never give it up. But I hope elons FSD drives him off a cliff.
I am old enough that I’ve bought and sold a bunch of cars. And not once has my choice involved “how will people assume who I am in this purchase.” Some have been a bad choice and others worked out. I don’t think people should buy new Teslas but I wouldn’t have the cash that I could fire sale a perfectly working vehicle just because people assume the car is the person.
Bruh, buying a car that is newer than 10-years-old is Mr. Moneybags shit. Look in the mirror.
Newer than 10y? I think that’s just poverty shit.
Buying a Tesla is a big expense and does indicate wealth. But it doesn’t mean the person has money to buy and sell new cars every 4 years. I drive cars till they die like any normal person. I just happen to be able to afford middle-expensive new cars.
The average car on the road is 10 years old.
And does that imply that the average owner bought the car at 10yo? No. The average car on the road could be 10y if everyone bought them at 0 and trashed them at 20 for instance.
The point I’m making is that driving a 10-year-old car isn’t “poverty shit”, it’s “average person shit”.
He didn’t say driving a 10yo car tho. He said buying a 10yo car! I would never buy a 10yo car. I would buy a 1-5yo. Buying used is great and honestly the most reasonable option. But buying something already 10yo is definitely “I can barely afford a car”
They are pretty average priced these days to other cars
That’s mr moneybags level shit.
As is buying an electric car in the first place.
Someone was telling me the other day that the cheapest new car available in the UK was an electric Dacia. Obviously, you can get a used car for less than a new one, but electric cars are within reach of normal people, or at least normal enough people to not have Mr Moneybags budgets.
In the US basically every new EV is more expensive than a similar gas car. It’s a shitty EV market. Teslas specifically were much more expensive than a regular car in 2020. Then there’s the problem of having to charge it. Which you either have to live in moneybags areas to have the public infrastructure, or you have to have a house (moneybags territory) with probably a charging station (also moneybags). So yeah, I fully stand behind my original statement.
I think that’s why there’s a stealmyteala.com website. An insurance payout would be better than market value, perhaps.
For now at least. But insurance payouts follow the market price of the car.
Gap insurance
That only helps you if you bought the car at the worst possible time. Outside of the first maybe year of owning a car you shouldn’t have any real appreciable negative equity. Even if the car is a massive piece of shit (and not just made by one)
The average is 18-24 months.
1/4 of all car loans involve negative equity.
Well over 60% of loans are over 72 months which significantly increases the time for loans build any equity.
But we are also talking about teslas which are being killed in the used market
That website literally doesn’t exist tho…
He mistyped stealmytesla.com
Nice, figured it was a joke, but it’s a pretty good one.
The reviews are gold:
I couldn’t find a buyer for my Tesla and was concerned about the depreciating resale value and the overt racism. Thank you, Steal My Tesla!
Just a typo in the link.
Sorry, I know it exists but have only visited once. Might have the exact URL wrong.
This is me, exactly. We’re leaving the country in the next 6-8 months and can’t justify selling it just to buy another car that we’ll then sell soon after. In the meantime, I get shit for “being a nazi” despite being a leftist. Good times.
Honestly, I love the car. We haven’t had any issues with it, it drives great, the features are nice, and the energy efficiency is top notch. I wish Elno would step down as CEO and/or die so we could take it with us, but I doubt he will.
Ditto for me for most things here. Fun fact also is that I was initially motivated to buy the car for environmental reasons and so that fascist Russia wouldn’t benefit from me buying and burning gasoline.
I bought it used so technically Musk didn’t get money from me. And by keeping and driving it, he keeps not getting money from me (unless something breaks that needs parts, I guess).
Great car, weird CEO. If his recent successes continue, perhaps he’ll off himself or something. Or perhaps the shareholders will finally grow a spine and boot him instead of giving him billions.
Love my m3 in the us, but I am so glad when we moved that I bought a plug in hybrid instead. It’s a piece of shit in comparison and crazy expensive, but it feels cleaner.
Now I just wish I bought a Volvo plug in hybrid.
There’s a great opportunity for someone to sell replacement badges and logos for “converting” a Tesla into, say, a Mazda.
People are already doing that! Not sure if it’s a specific kit but I have seen many with swapped badges around lately.
I put BYD badges on mine.
As people have said, already happening:
And it’s not fooling anyone
My favorite was a picture I saw online of a cybertruck labeled TOYOTA
is this the one?
Prosthetic exhaust pipes?
First there were truck nuts…
I saw on AliExpress a fake double exhaust pipe kit for the Nissan leaf (ev) to attach with VHB to the back side
Edit: found the link in my notes app (acquisition date October 2023), but sadly it has been delisted, hopefully someone can use it to find a cached version or even just a photo of that https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004107275197.html
Damn it. When I lived in the South I would’ve loved this. Plus a speaker for a loud engine rev.
Careful, they’ll brick your software for that!
I’ve also been daydreaming along these lines. I have an old Porsche that doesn’t run I’ve sort of wanted to electrify. There are a few kits out there, but pricy. If I get a cheap-as-shit Tesla, could I break it down and retrofit? Weight and suspension would be a problem. Plus I’ve heard they are a complete arse about proprietary computer stuff.
That or a Mazda 13b could be fun, but I’d have to gear it down somehow.
People have. There was a news article about it a few days ago.
I’ve actually been checking if the prices for used Tesla’s have gone down enough. I’ve been itching for an EV for years. But other EVs are actually cheaper.
Saw some Peugeot 2008 for good prices.
I can share my experience if you’d like, I’m also EU based, I’m assuming like you if you’re looking at Peugeot (they don’t sell in the US).
I come from a long lineage of buying shitty old second hand cars and driving them until they die or aren’t worth fixing to pass the yearly check. Eventually when I had a decent job and my wife moved here and couldn’t drive manual cars, we got a Lexus hybrid, 4 years old car we still have today. I love Toyota/Lexus but when I started my business I wanted more space to move my equipment.
Started with a 20 years old Renault Kangoo, that was actually fine but none of the electric stuff worked (windows, dashboard, etc…).
I knew I was gonna replace it at least for safety reasons, and already wanted to go electric but my wife wasn’t convinced, so I got one more gas car (ford focus wagon) and the engine was so shit it couldn’t handle a slight hill climb with us in the car…
I decided I was done with gas cars and we actually debated getting a brand new car. During this search, it was clear Tesla was a slightly better deal on paper than the competition when buying new. Basically for the price of base models in other brands you get all the options with Tesla model Y…
But I really didn’t want to get Tesla for all the moral reasons, + there’s a lot of hidden costs with them especially insurance, additional safety equipment required by said insurance and the big costs for repairs in case of even minor fender benders…
Realised going brand new was just not for us, we’re just not that wealthy and it would’ve ended up costing us more than the house monthly, not to mention going into debt for it.
So I took a long hard look at my requirements and realized 95% of the time I don’t need the extra space, so I found a used Peugeot 208 electric which I was able to swap my ford for and basically didn’t pay anything additional when all said and done.
I LOVE it, it’s well built, I got the GT with all options, and the size is actually perfect for navigating European roads, I can park anywhere, go anywhere, no more worrying about no emission zones, etc etc.
The battery range is not the best on the market by a large margin but it’s honestly totally usable, for daily use you always leave the house with a full battery and make it home easily, and fast charge is very fast for highway trips but you do have to stop more often. The space inside is way more than you’d expect, I just have to use my old trusted Tetris skills once I’m a while, and when it’s not enough for the big projects with more requirements, I rent a van for the day…
Now don’t get me wrong stellantis is pretty shit too but at least less visibly than Tesla, and their app/connected services are useless, but I still love my little 208. It’ll certainly become the 2nd car some day though once we replace the Lexus for another full electric with more range/space.
I would worry about the 2008 though since it’s the same battery in a heavier vehicle and range is already something I have to think about in the 208.
I worry a lot less about getting a “cheaper” electric brand too, because the mechanics of it are so much simpler with fewer points of failure, whereas I basically only trust Toyota’s engines anymore on the gas front.
As much as people like to shit on them due to the connection to Musk, they can be good cars with some caveats.
- The electronic door handles are bullshit and dangerous.
- The touch console is not as good as physical climate controls. Everything else commonly used can be done through the steering wheel controls for the most part.
- Service centers have really poor service, but since they’re EVs you shouldn’t need to do it often. (Unless it’s a Cybertruck lol).
Buying used is great because you don’t send that money to Musk. In fact the updates and support technically cost them over time.
You still pay him every time you use the Tesla charging network. Which is one of the biggest (and best) so you’re kinda SOL on charging without supporting him.
99% of my charging is done at home (and for 3 out of 4 seasons, from my solar panels). I can also use non-Tesla public fast chargers with CCS or Chademo. I’ll admit that the pricing is more expensive than Tesla Superchargers most often and the customer experience at non-Tesla fast chargers is pretty horrible. I’ll still pay more at a non-Tesla charger if there is the option so musk doesn’t get any more of my money since the initial car purchase years ago.
I mean, a lot of people can also charge at home. It’s way cheaper and more convenient.
My alternate non-Tesla badges are arriving next week.
Like badges actually trick anyone…
Its two things: I don’t want to show any support Tesla, and don’t have the luxury of selling my car and buying a different one. Second, I think you might be surprised how many people really don’t know what cars look like. Sure, “car people” will know, but most people aren’t “car people”.